What Does LHP Mean in Baseball? (Explained)

A. Coatess

Written by

A. Coatess



Sean Hunter

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what does lhp mean in baseball

Baseball is a game with a set of roles for its players. One of many is having a pitcher, which is a vital task in baseball.  

And there is a way to see the distinction among pitchers, through their throwing hand – either left-handed or right-handed. It is quite tricky that it is making us seek more and ask what does LHP mean in baseball? How is it important?  

Read on.

Everything You Need to Know About LHP of Baseball

Honestly, there is so much story behind this variety of pitchers that a lot of fanatics are eager to know! As you take this reading a bit further, discover why Left-Handed Pitchers or LHPs are assets of the team.  

Let’s get started.  

1. Definition of LHP


LHP in baseball is a term for pitching with the left hand. These players have an effective and dominant power – proven and tested throughout baseball history.  

There are fewer left handed lefties than righties in this sport. Thus, you are basically a superstar of the team if you’re a LHP.  

2. The Key Factors of LHP


Baseball abbreviations can be more fun if you know the underlying points of their full description. In this part, discover the markers that define LHP.  

The Following Factors are: Standing Position, Throwing Motion, Game Style, Techniques and Rareness. Having the advantage in these factors, a LHP can cause confusion and difficulty for hitters to guess the way of the ball and swiftly respond.  

3. The Role of a LHP during Game


All roles in baseball are essential. But as many people say, pitchers are the ones leading it. And it’s an immense bonus if you are a left-handed pitcher! From giving the initial control of the whole match, LHP can show off a better release angle.  

Moreover, these players are skilled in bringing the ball before the batting order since most hits come from the left side of the field.  

After all, there were more righties, which made lefty pitching players better at rotating their bats and opposing other players while in the match. Lastly, part of the LHP position in baseball is to be tricky – so you need to watch out for any delivery course.

Barry Bonds during the Play

Notable LHP Players in Baseball History


Baseball acronyms can be iconic, but there are other things that we can consider the same when it comes to fame -the super LHP of Baseball.  

There are more than five names that we can come up with; see the MLB’s best in account:  

  • Babe Ruth: 700 Home Runs from this legendary fella!
  • Ty Cobb: An All-Around Player with 8 Slugging Crowns.
  • Barry Bonds A Speedy Lefty that won 3 MVP Awards.
  • Joe Morgan: Another MVP with amazing records.
  • Ted Williams: Classic MVP with an OBP of .482.


What Baseball Positions Fit for Left Handers?

There are specific roles that suit a lefty in baseball, such as pitchers, first base, and outfield playing positions. However, other functions, like catchers which are not suggested for left-handers, can still fit them with the proper coaching and training.


What Does LHP Mean in Baseball? In this lovely read, we saw many revelations here about how paramount LHP can be.

Pretty cool, right?  

Knowing that your throwing hand matters a lot in this sport can be exciting. You can be ahead when it comes to skills and talents. Yet, it doesn’t mean that others do not stand a chance.  

Practice and resolve are still top points to consider. Given that you are a leftie, make sure you make the most of it in baseball. Be one with the game!

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